
Would you like to play a leading role in the development phase of this World Heritage Site on Lake Lucerne? We need partners who help us make this project take off.


In the start-up phase, we are particularly dependent on people and bodies who believe in us. As a cultural island, we are determined to unite cultural institutions in the Lucerne area, in Central Switzerland and beyond through educational projects focusing on music, education and art at Villa Senar. Rachmaninoff’s Villa Senar and its world-class cultural assets offer the opportunity to rediscover the life and work of Sergei Rachmaninoff. Our supporters help us to increase the visibility of the Villa Senar and make a decisive contribution to the preservation of this cultural heritage.

We will be happy to advise you and look forward to your donation. There are many advantages to being part of Rachmaninoffs, contact us personally via email and we will get in touch with Andrea Loetscher ( If you prefer to simply make a donation without contacting us, please use the following QR code and the bank details for the transfer.

We are delighted – together we carry the Rachmaninoff flame into the futre.

For our donors

In return, we offer our supporters and donors (early) access to top events, a comprehensive Rachmaninoff network of culture enthusiasts, high-quality and inspiring experiences at Villa Senar (meet & greet with artists) and many more.

Donation from USA

For donations from the USA please use Myriad (more about Myriad)

Bank details

Stiftung Serge Rachmaninoff
Zinnenstrasse 6
CH–6353 Weggis

UBS Switzerland AG Bahnhofplatz 2. 6002 Luzern. Telefon. +41 41 208 11 11. Clearing. 248. BIC/SWIFT. UBSWCHZH60A.

Account Number: 24842646540T

UBS Switzerland AG


CH14 0024 8248 4264 6540 T